Lola Glow

My Hair Secret and Giveaway

My Hair Secret and Giveaway

This particular one is my favorite because of the way it’s sourced, making it so sophisticated and pure. It’s a bonus that it’s a high quality family size for $70. I have yet to find this amount and quality, at this price, in any other argan oil. 

We always have this family size bottle available in my house for everyone to use. And not just for our skin… 

I’m not a cosmetologist, but next to skincare, the most frequent questions I get are in regards to  makeup and hair care. 

Investing in a good quality argan oil is not only great for your skin, but will SAVE your hair. 

I drench my hair with this oil and sleep in it. I also always coat my hair with oil BEFORE I wash my hair. It protects my hair from being too fragile while washing. 

Why argan oil? 

First of all, hair oils are made to penetrate into your strands (as opposed to hair serums that usually sit on the surface of the strands). Which is not the case for skincare products. 

Argan oil in particular has a very tiny molecule that can actually penetrate DEEP into the strands of your hair. Rather than coating your hair like other oils with larger molecules, leaving a temporary feeling of soft, healthy hair. It works for you from the inside out. Long after you wash your hair, the argan oil is still within the strand working to heal your hair! Pretty amazing! 

When using argan oil as a pre-shampoo treatment or weekly mask, a 100% [pure argan oil] is best. 

This particular notoriously hard-to-access oil is well worth the work, providing numerous benefits for body, face, and hair. Here’s what it does:

  • Softens and moisturize dry skin, hair, and cuticles
  • Smooths fine lines and wrinkles
  • Neutralizes free radicals
  • Helps prevent signs of aging
  • Helps relieve skin conditions such as eczema
  • Calms inflammation

What does argan oil contain that makes it so effective?

Packed with antioxidants and vitamin E, argan oil is replete with anti-aging, moisturizing, and soothing agents. Powerful but gentle, it nourishes without clogging pores and can be used by all skin types, whether acne-prone or super-dry. A truly versatile oil, it’s ideal for head-to-toe use. Below, is a break down of the major components of argan oil.

Fatty Acids

Essential for skin membrane health, fatty acids help stimulate cell regeneration and keep our complexions looking youthful and vibrant. Here are the details on the major ones in argan oil:

  • 29.3-36% linoleic acid – A powerful omega-6 essential fatty acid (EFA)—which means it’s vital for human health, but isn’t produced naturally in the body—linoleic acid strengthens the skin’s barrier, which protects us from sun damage and pollution. Moisturizing, healing, and soothing, this fatty acid can even help alleviate acne. Sometimes referred to as vitamin F, linoleic acid also softens the skin.
  • 43-49.1% oleic acid – Also found in safflower, almond, and avocado oil, this rich fatty acid seals in moisture.
  • 12-13% palmitic acid – Found naturally in our skin, our palmitic acid reserves diminish with age, but we can still reap its benefits with topical application. Not only does it have anti-aging properties, but it’s also been found to offer relief from dermatitis and eczema.

Tocopherols (Vitamin E)

Argan oil contains 771 mg of vitamin E per 1 kg of oil. Vitamin E is packed with antioxidants, which act as free radical scavengers and prevent signs of aging. A powerful moisturizer, vitamin E also improves the skin’s water-binding ability, allowing it to better retain moisture and remain hydrated.

Applying vitamin E under sunscreen can boost its effectiveness, and when it’s applied after sun exposure it can even repair sun damage. An effective healing agent, tocopherols help diminish the appearance of scars and can soothe irritated, rough skin.

Polyphenols / Ferulic Acid

Polyphenols are a true wonder ingredient; not only do they provide UV protection, but they also have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and free-radical fighting properties, promoting repair and healing. Like vitamin E, they can also help repair the effects of sun damage.

Argan oil is particularly high in ferulic acid, a highly unique polyphenol. When exposed to sunlight, its antioxidant, free-radical-scavenging properties actually increase, helping to combat photo-aging.

Triterpene Alcohols

Whether ingested or applied topically, triterpene alcohols have been found to reduce inflammation, contributing to argan oil’s many skin care benefits.


Occurring throughout nature, phytoestrols stop the slow-down of collagen production caused by sun damage and actually encourage new collagen production, making them a powerful skin protector and anti-ager.  


Found in plants, animals, and our own sebum, squalene acts as an antioxidant and an emollient, softening skin as well as preventing and diminishing wrinkles and fine lines. Easily absorbed, squalene locks in moisture while promoting cell growth, key to maintaining a youthful, radiant glow. Like polyphenols, it also prevents UV damage.

The giveaway ends November 30, 2020. You’re Automatically entered with every $150 or more product purchase. Good luck!

Find Mun Argan Oil Here:


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